Soal Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI 2016 (Bahasa Inggris), Soal & Pembahasannya

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Soal Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI 2016 (Bahasa Inggris) menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi para calon mahasiswa yang bercita-cita mengenyam pendidikan di Universitas Indonesia. Belajar untuk menghadapi ujian tersebut memerlukan dedikasi dan kesiapan yang tinggi, mengingat tingkat kesulitan soal yang dirancang untuk menguji kemampuan dasar dan pengetahuan umum.

Para peserta ujian harus memahami konsep-konsep dasar dalam berbagai mata pelajaran, seperti matematika, fisika, biologi, dan bahasa Indonesia. Selain itu, strategi dalam menyelesaikan soal dengan waktu yang terbatas juga menjadi kunci keberhasilan.

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Aspek kemampuan bahasa Inggris

Soal Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI 2016 (Bahasa Inggris), Soal & Pembahasannya
Soal Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI 2016 (Bahasa Inggris), Soal & Pembahasannya

Sumber: Freepik

Soal Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI 2016 (Bahasa Inggris) umumnya mencakup berbagai aspek kemampuan bahasa Inggris, termasuk:

  1. Reading Comprehension (Pemahaman Bacaan):Peserta diharapkan untuk membaca suatu teks atau paragraf, kemudian menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan isi teks tersebut. Soal dapat mencakup pemahaman detail, ide pokok, atau maksud dari teks.
  2. Vocabulary (Kosakata):Soal dapat mencakup pemahaman kosakata yang melibatkan sinonim, antonim, atau konteks penggunaan kata dalam kalimat. Peserta diuji tentang kemampuannya menggunakan dan memahami kosakata dalam konteks yang benar.
  3. Grammar (Tata Bahasa):Soal dapat mengevaluasi pemahaman tata bahasa, termasuk penggunaan kata kerja, bentuk kalimat, tata bahasa umum, dan kesalahan tata bahasa.
  4. Listening Comprehension (Pemahaman Mendengarkan):Peserta mungkin dihadapkan pada rekaman suara atau wawancara pendek, diikuti oleh pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang menguji pemahaman mereka terhadap isi rekaman tersebut.
  5. Writing (Menulis):Peserta mungkin diminta untuk menulis esai atau merespons pertanyaan-pertanyaan tertentu dengan kalimat atau paragraf pendek. Kemampuan peserta untuk menyusun ide dengan jelas dan menggunakan tata bahasa yang benar akan dievaluasi.

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Soal Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI 2016 (Bahasa Inggris)

Soal Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI 2016 (Bahasa Inggris), Soal & Pembahasannya

Sumber: Freepik

Yuk, simak Soal Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI 2016 (Bahasa Inggris) berikut ini:


Bacaan berikut digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 32-35.
Indigenous plants and animals are few in Easter Island. At the time of European arrival, the toromiro tree was the only wild tree and the Carolina wolfberry the only wild shrub, the vegetation being _31_ herbaceous. The toromiro tree was overexploited by the island wood carvers, and the last local specimen died in the 1950s. _32__, the species was saved from extinction. The Norwegian Archaeological Expedition collected seeds and planted them in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden, and saplings from the garden were reintroduced to Easter Island in 1988. today only 31 wild flowering plants, 14 ferns, and 14 mosses are reported. Grass and small ferns dominate the barren landscape, _33_ the boggy crater lakes are thickly covered by two imported American species, the tottora reed and Polygonum acuminatum. A number of cultivated species of plants were also introduced partly from America and partly from Polynesia before the arrival of Europeans; of these the _ 34_ species was the sweet potato, which was cultivated in extensive plantation and formed the staple diet. Bottle gourds, sugarcane, bananas,
taro, yams, and two trees (i.e., the Asiatic paper mulberry and the American Triumfetta simitriloba) were of aboriginal importation, as also probably were the husk-tomato, a small variety of pineapple, and the coconut.


  1. A. Predominant
    B. Predominated
    c. Predominating
    D. Predominance
    E. Predominantly

A. However
B. Moreover
c. In contrast
D. For example
E. Consequently


A. So
B. Yet
C. While
D. Hence
E . Unlike

A. Principal
B. Principle
C. Secondary
D. Mandatory
E. Inconspicuous


Bacaan berikut digunakan untuk menjawab

soal nomor 36-40.
Although gluten has gained a bad reputation, the majority of people would struggle to explain what it actually is. The truth is that gluten is just a mixture of proteins found in the seeds of certain cereal plants, such as wheat, rye, and barley. Gluten is stored in a tissue inside the seed called endosperm, which surrounds the plant embryo and provides a dense source of energy as the plant starts to grow. In wheat, gluten is formed when the proteins glutenin and gliadin cross-link into a net-like structure that provides elasticity and viscosity. Once food reaches the stomach it must be broken down by enzymes in the process of digestion. Large proteins are broken up into chains of amino acid called peptides. Normally these peptides are easily broken down further, but the gliadin peptides in gluten are difficult to break down as they are part of a group of peptides called prolamins. Prolamins are made up of lots of glutamine and proline amino
acids, which digestive enzymes have difficulty breaking up. This means that unlike most proteins gluten digestion can leave strands of amino acids intact in the small intestine. These strands can be up to 10 amino acids long and are known as oligopeptides. For most people gliadin oligopeptides are harmless. However, a small proportion of the population will produce an immune response known as coeliac disease, a condition caused by the body’s immune system mistakenly attacking itself. Coeliac disease is caused by a reaction to gluten.


  1. According to the passage, which of the following statements is FALSE?
    A. Most people are actually unsure about gluten
    B. Coeliac disease occurs in many people
    C. Endosperm is a food reserve tissue inside the seeds
    D. Endosperm nourishes the developing embryo
    E. Gliadin is a protein difficult to digest


  1. The most appropriate title for this passage is …
    A. Gluten Sensitivity
    B. The dangers of Gluten
    C. The Truth about Gluten
    D. Foods that Contain Gluten
    E. Gluten Sensitivity


  1. The passage would probably be assigned reading in which of the following course?
    A. Nutrition
    B. Agronomy
    C. Physical Education
    D. Chemical Engineering
    E. Material Science

Soal Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI 2016 (Bahasa Inggris), Soal & Pembahasannya

Baca juga: les privat 

  1. What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?
    A. To evaluate a gluten diet
    B. To provide the readers with facts about gluten
    C. To persuade the readers to reduce
    their gluten consumption
  2. To describe the function of gluten to the readers
    E. To reaffirm the readers’ existing belief about gluten


  1. The tone of the author is best described as …
    A. Complex
    B. Cautionary
    C. Concerned
    D. Informative
    E. Instructive


Bacaan berikut digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 41-46.
Forget what world leaders say. If you want to understand what they are really up to, look at the paintings that hang behind them at press conferences and summit meetings, or when they pause with apparent spontaneity along a corridor to answer a reporter’s question. The silent stare of a poised portrait gazing at you over the shoulder of David Cameron or Vladimir Putin is often more loaded and more deliberately orchestrated than you might think.
For example, President Obama’s recently trip to Cuba in March 2016 was considered his boldest step. His controversial agenda was to reset diplomatic relations between the two nations. However, it was a painting by a Cuban artist that _42_ the show. Among the
more awkward events on Obama’s Cuban itinerary was a meeting with a group of political dissidents, many of _43_ fear the thawing of relations between Washington and Havana will only embolden the repressive tendencies of Cuban president Raul Castro by legitim ising his regime. Enter Michel Mirabal, a contemporary Cuban artist whose sprawling painting My New Friend provided the striking backdrop to the meeting.


The work stretched evocatively behind Obama as he sat at a long table to discuss the concerns of the Cuban government’s detractors. It features side-by-side representations of the Cuban and US flags constructed loosely of red, white, and blue handprints _44_. As
a subliminal symbol capable of capturing, on the one hand the plight of those oppressed by the Cuban government, and on the other hand, Obama’s commitment to ending sanctions against Cuba, the painting _45_. The hasty blizzard of anonymous handprints
has the feel of street art or something illicitly constructed: a compression of innocence that recalls the clay moulds made by children in kindergarten. At the same time, the two flags. appear to be visual anagrams of each other. Each consists of the same handprints merely arranged in different combinations, as if subtly to imply that the two countries are essentially inseparable.


  1. The italic phrase in the first paragraph means …
    A. Possible gesture
    B. Genuine reaction
    C. Innocent impromptu
    D. Seeming naturalness
    E. Questionable motivation


  1. The sentence “Often these subtle messages are easy enough to decode.” should be …
    A. The last sentence of paragraph 1
    B. The last sentence of paragraph 2
    C. The last sentence of paragraph 3
    D. The third sentence of paragraph 3
    E. The second sentence of paragraph 3


  1. ….

A. Was stealing
B. Had stolen
c. Has stolen
D. Steals
E. Stole


A. Whose

B. Which

C. Whom

D. Who
E. Those


A. Field pressed against a neutral grey
B. Field against a pressed neutral grey
C. Against a pressed neutral grey field
D. Pressed against a neutral grey field
E. A neutral grey against pressed field


A. Hardly have evoked different interpretations
B. Hardly have been more cleverly chosen
C. Have been something of a signal
D. Not have been less appropriate
E. Have sent the wrong message


Baca juga: les privat jakarta 

Pembahasan Soal Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI 2016 (Bahasa Inggris)

Soal Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI 2016 (Bahasa Inggris), Soal & Pembahasannya

Sumber: Freepik


  1. Pola frasa yang dibentuk adalah adjective phrase. Sehingga, kata yang tepat untuk ditambahkan adalah adverb. Sehingga pilihan E adalah yang paling tepat untuk digunakan sebagai modifikasi.


32. Pilihan jawaban A adalah yang pal ing tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas. Hal ini sesuai dengan pola kalimat yang digunakan pada teks di atas.


  1. Pola kalimat yang dibentuk adalah sebab
    akibat, sehingga pili han jawaban B adalah
    yang paling tepat.
  2. Pola yang dibentuk adalah noun phrase. Sehingga, komponen yang dibentuk adalah adjective dan noun.


  1. Pilihan jawaban E tidak disebutkan di dalam teks.
  2. Teks di atss menjelaskan tentang fakta fakta dari Gluten, sehingga pili han jawaban C adalah yang paling tepat untuk menjadi judul dari teks di atas.
  3. Pilihan jawaban A adalah yang paling tepat, yaitu pembahasan tentang Gluten
    dibahas dalam mata kuliah nutrisi.
  4. Pilihan jawaban B adalah yang paling tepat karena teks tersebut membahas atau menjelaskan tentang beberapa fakta tentang gluten.


  1. Teks tersebut membahas beberapa fakta tentang Gluten sehingga sifat dari teks di
    atas adalah informatif.
  2. Ungkapan apparent spontaneity memilki makna genuie reaction. Sehingga pilihan B adalah yang paling tepat. JAWABAN:B
  3. Pilihan C adalah kalimat yang paling tepat untuk penutup dari paragraf ketiga. JAWABAN:C
  4. Pilihan jawaban E adalah yang paling tepat karena menunjukkan kejadian yang telah terjadi di masa lampau.


  1. Jawaban E adalah yang paling tepat


  1. Susunan kata yang paling tepat adalah pilihan D.


  1. Berdasarkan pada konteks kalimat tersebut, pilihan jawaban B adalah yang paling tepat.


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