Soal Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI 2015 – Bahasa Inggris

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Struktur Soal Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI 2015 Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Soal Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI 2015 - Bahasa Inggris

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Sebelum kita masuk ke soal beserta pembahasannya, mari kita pelajari terlebih dahulu apa saja sih struktur dari Soal Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI 2015 Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris itu. Berikut penjelasannya:

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1. Reading Comprehension (Membaca Pemahaman)

Soal ini menguji kemampuan peserta dalam memahami dan menafsirkan teks bahasa Inggris. Analisis soal membantu para calon peserta memahami jenis-jenis teks yang mungkin muncul, seperti naratif, ekspositori, atau argumentatif.

2. Vocabulary and Structure (Kosa Kata dan Struktur)

Bagian ini mengukur pemahaman peserta terhadap kosa kata dan struktur kalimat. Prediksi soal membantu peserta untuk fokus pada pembelajaran kosa kata yang sering muncul dalam konteks akademis.

3. Grammar (Tata Bahasa)

Soal tata bahasa mengevaluasi pemahaman peserta terhadap aturan-aturan tata bahasa Inggris. Analisis soal membantu peserta untuk memahami pola-pola tata bahasa yang sering diujikan.

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Strategi Persiapan Ujian

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Demi kesuksesan ujian SIMAK UI, wajib untuk kalian semua mempersiapkan diri sebaik mungkin, misalnya dengan mengikuti strategi berikut ini:

1. Bacaan Rutin dalam Bahasa Inggris

Meningkatkan kemampuan membaca dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan membaca berbagai jenis teks secara rutin, seperti artikel ilmiah, berita, dan esai.

2. Kosa Kata Kontekstual

Fokus pada pengembangan kosa kata kontekstual yang sering muncul dalam konteks akademis, seperti istilah-istilah dalam bidang studi tertentu.

3. Latihan Soal Terstruktur

Gunakan prediksi soal sebagai dasar untuk latihan soal terstruktur. Hal ini membantu dalam memahami format soal dan meningkatkan kecepatan menjawab.

Memahami pola dan jenis soal Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI 2015 pada pelajaran Bahasa Inggris adalah langkah awal menuju persiapan yang matang. Dengan fokus dan latihan yang terarah, kalian pasti dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan menghadapi ujian dengan percaya diri.

Soal Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI 2015 Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

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Bacaan berikut digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 41-42.

Child development refers to the biological, psychological and emotional changes that occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence, as the individual progress­es from dependency to increasing autonomy. (2) It is a continuous process with a predictable sequence yet having a unique course for every child. (3) It does not progress at the same rate and each stage is affected by the preceding types of development.

(4) Because these devel­opmental changes may be strongly influenced by genetic factors and events during prenatal life, genetics and prenatal development are usually included as part of the study of child development. (5) Child care programs present a critical opportunity for the promotion of child development. (6) Developmental change may occur as a result of genetically-controlled processes known as maturation, or as a result of environmental factors and learning, but most commonly involves an interaction between the two. (7) It may also occur as a result of human nature and our ability to learn from our environment.

41. Which sentence is irrelevant to the topic of the passage?

A. Sentence 2
B. Sentence 3
c. Sentence 4
D. Sentence 5
E . Sentence 6

42. The following paragraph most likely discusses …

A. What genetic factors affect child development

B. Each developmental stage

C. How children adjust to their environment

D. Emotional changes that might occur in a child

E. Stages in child development

Bacaan berikut digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 43-47.

In rapidly growing cities such as Beijing and New Delhi, air pollution has become so severe that respiratory disease is on the rise. Thick blankets of smog are often a byproduct of economic growth, which results in more vehicles on the road and more burning of fossil fuels. The bad air can indeed be deadly; _ 43___, outdoor air pollution, both in cities and rural areas, prematurely killed 3.7 million people worldwide in 2012, according to the World Health Organization.

With two-thirds of the population expected to live in cities by 2050, the need to ease urban pollution is particularly _ 44_ . Los Angeles offers an example of what cities can do to reduce pollution. Long notorious for its smog, the city has seen some air _ 45_ decline by 98 percent over the past 50 years, even though an increasing population has used more gasoline.

Rules to make cars and fuels cleaner helped achieve the reductions, _46_ the city still struggles with air quality issues. In 2014, Los Angeles saw an uptick in smog due to heat and drought, suggesting the fight against air pollution_ 47 _ a challenge for cities dealing with both climate
change and population growth.


A. However
B. As a result
c. For example
D. In addition
E. Similarly


A. Harsh
B. Acute
c. Strict
D. Difficult
E. Dangerous


A. Pollutants
B. Pollution
c. Polluted
D. Polluter
E. Pollute


A. Likewise
B. However
c. Moreover
D. Therefore
E. Such as


A. Stays
B. Keeps
c. Lingers
D. Prevails
E. Remains

Bacaan berikut digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 48-52.

A forgotten issue in urbanism is land use during the night time, with problems such as noise and dirt, which could be improved with information from Twitter. At least this is what Enrique and Vanessa Frfas-Martfnez believe, computer science researchers at Telefoni­ca Research and the University of Maryland (USA) respectively, who have suggested using geolocalized tweets for urban planning and land use. Enrique Frfas-Martfnez explained that geolocalized tweets can be a very use­ful source of information for planning since it is an activity carried out by a large number of people who provide information on where they are at a specific time and what they are doing. The researcher points out that thanks to the increased use of smartphones, social net­works like Twitter and Facebook have made it possible to access and produce information ubiquitously.

These networks generate tags with the event’s geolocation. The new technique “automati­cally determines land uses in urban areas by grouping together geographical regions with similar patterns of Twitter activity;’ says there­ searcher. Using aggregate activity of tweets, the Frfas-Martfnez siblings have studied land use in Manhattan, Madrid and London. In the first two cases they identified four uses: residential, business, daytime leisure (mainly parks and tourist areas) and nightlife areas. The study has determined that, in Madrid, night-time tweet activity is concentrated on weekends and in Manhattan, on weekdays. On the other hand, London is characterized by its tweeting activity in day time leisure areas.

48. Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?

A. Many people like to use geolocation tags on twitter
B. Information from social network can be accessed universally
C. Geolocalized tweets can be useful for urban planning
D. Complex patterns of twitter activities can finally be identified
E. Problems concerning urbanism are often neglected and forgotten

49. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE about the study?

A. It shows that people in London most­ly tweet in daytime leisure areas
B. The focus of the study is land use in Manhattan, Madrid and London
C. Residential, business, daytime leisure and nightlife areas could be identi­fied
D. Manhattan and Madrid’s night-time tweet activities are concentrated differently
E. The researchers could identify four land uses in Manhattan, Madrid and London

50. The author’s purpose in writing the pas­sage is to…

A. Compare Facebook and Twitter users in terms of geolocation tags
B. Argue that social networks do not necessarily reflect users’ activities
C. Persuade people to stop using geolocation tags to protect their privacy
D. Inform the possible use of Twitter data for studying and planning land use

Pembahasan Soal Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI 2015 Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

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41. Which sentence is irrelevant to the topic of the passage?

Jawaban : D. Sentence 5

Pilihan jawaban D yaitu kalimat 5 pada paragraf di atas tidak sesuai dengan tema yang diangkat pada paragraph. Di mana pada kalimat 5 menekankan pada program child care untuk promosi perkem­bangan anak. Padahal kalimat sebelum dan setelahnya focus membahas pada perkembangan anak. Sehingga, pilihan jawaban D tidak relevan dengan topik di atas.

42. The following paragraph most likely discusses….

Jawaban : B. each developmental stage


(A) what genetic factors affect child de­velopment (faktor genetis apa yang mempengaruhi perkembangan anak)
(B) each developmental stage (masing-masing tahap perkembangan)
(C) how children adjust to their environ­ment (bagaimana anak menyesuaikan dengan lingkungan mereka)
(D) emotional changes that might oc­cur in a child (perubahan emosional yang mungkin terjadi pada anak)
(E) stages in child development (tahap tahap dalam perkembangan anak)

Pilihan jawaban B adalah yang paling te­pat dimana teks di atas membahas masing masing perkembangan anak baik dari biologis, psikologis maupun emosi­onal

43. Jawaban : C. for example

(A) however (namun)
(B) as a result (sebagai hasilnya)
(C) for example (contohnya)
(D) in addition (sebagai tambahan)
(E) similarly (demikian pula)

Pilihan jawaban C adalah yang paling tepat,karena kalimat selanjutnya menunjukkan contoh dari kalimat sebelumnya.

44. Jawaban: D. difficult

(A) harsh (keras)
(B) acute (akut)

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(C) strict (ketat)
(D) difficult (sulit)
(E) dangerous (berbahaya)

Pilihan jawaban D adalah yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas

45. Jawaban : B. pollution

(A) pollutants (polutan)
(B) pollution (polusi)
(C) polluted (tercemar)
(D) polluter (pencemar)
(E) pollute (mencemari)

Pilihan jawaban B adalah yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi frasa di atas untuk menjadi frasa polusi udara.

46. Jawaban : B. however

(A) likewise (juga)
(B) however (namun)
(C) moreover (terlebih lagi)
(D) therefore (sehingga)
(E) such as (seperti)
Pilihan jawaban B adalah yang paling tepat untuk menunjukkan pola pertentangan yang ada pada kalimat di atas.

47. Jawaban : E. remains

Pilihan jawaban E adalah yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas karena kesesuaian dengan konteks yang ada.

48. Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?

Jawaban : C. Geolocalized tweets can be useful for urban planning.

(A) Many people like to use geolocation tags on Twitter. (Banyak orang suka menggunakan tag geolokasi di Twitter.)
(B) Information from social networks can be accessed universally. (lnformasi dari jejaring sosial dapat diakses se­cara universal.)
(C) Geolocalized tweets can be useful for urban planning. (Tweet geolokalisasi dapat berguna untuk perencanaan kota.)
(D) Complex patterns of Twitter activities can finally be identified. (Pola kompleks aktivitas Twitter akhirnya dapat diidentifikasi.)
(E) Problems concerning urbanism are often neglected and forgotten. (Ma­salah urbanisme sering diabaikan dan dilupakan.)

Pilihan jawaban C adalah yang paling te­pat, dimana hal tersebut dapat disimpul­kan dari kalimat pertama.

49. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE about the study?

Jawaban : E. The researchers could iden­tify four land uses in Manhattan, Madrid and London.

Pilihan jawaban E tidak sesuai dengan teks di atas.
(A) It shows that people in London mostly tweet in daytime leisure areas. (lni menunjukkan bahwa orang-orang di London kebanyakan berkicau di area rekreasi siang hari.)
(B) The focus of the study is land use in Manhattan, Madrid and London. (Fo­kus studi adalah tata guna lahan di Manhattan, Madrid dan London.)
(C) Residential, business, daytime leisure and nightlife areas could be identifi­ed. (Area perumahan, bisnis, rekreasi siang hari dan kehidupan malam da­pat diidentifikasi.)
(D) Manhattan and Madrid’s night-time tweet activities are concentrated dif­ferently. (Aktivitas tweet malam hari Manhattan dan Madrid terkonsentra­si secara berbeda.)
(E) The researchers could identify four land uses in Manhattan, Madrid and London. (Para peneliti dapat mengi­dentifikasi empat penggunaan lahan di Manhattan, Madrid dan London.)

50. The author’s purpose in writing the pas­sage is to…

Jawaban : D. inform the possible use of Twitter data for studying and planning land use

Pilihan jawaban D adalah yang paling te­pat

(A) compare Facebook and Twitter users in terms of geolocation tags. (membandingkan pengguna Facebook dan Twitter dalam hal tag geolokasi.)
(B) argue that social networks do not necessarily reflect users’ activities. (berpendapat bahwa jaringan sosial tidak selalu mencerminkan aktivitas pengguna.)
(C) persuade people to stop using geolocation tags to protect their privacy. (membujuk orang untuk berhenti menggunakan tag ‘geolokasi untuk melindungi privasi mereka.)
(D) inform the possible use of Twitter data for studying and planning land use. (menginformasikan kemungkinan penggunaan data Twitter untuk mempelajari dan merencanakan penggunaan lahan)
(E) illustrate the urgency of solving va­rious problems concerning urban planning. (menggambarkan urgensi penyelesaian berbagai masalah ter­kait perencanaan kota.)

Teruslah belajar dan pertahankan semangat juang. Keberhasilan menanti bagi mereka yang bersiap dengan baik. Selamat belajar dan sukses dalam menghadapi ujian Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI ya!

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Sampai ketemu di SIMAK UI!


Referensi :

  2. Soal Kemampuan Dasar SIMAK UI 2015 Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

simak ui latis education

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